Pastor Denham will officiate funeral service.

As individuals, I assume there’s no more difficult time than this to precise our true feelings. To realize the proper words is so troublesome and . . . words appear therefore inadequate, so incomplete–however we have a tendency to do our greatest to express our sympathy/our concern to those left behind.

But I am remindpriested again that what we have a tendency to want at a time like this…revelation, not just words.

We want things that speaks of certainties, not just hopes.
We want things that speaks with authority.
We tend to need something that has true comfort and offers something and someone to believe in/to trust as we have a tendency to last from here.
We need more than sincere expressions of sympathy and concern (as wonderful as they’re) in a very time of sorrow and death
We would like the authoritative, comforting “Thus saith the Lord!” the revelation of Scripture.

Ecclesiastes 3:3 “To every thing there is a season…a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn…”

Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.”

We need not sorrow then as others who have no hope because the authoritative Word of God promises the believer an immediate reception in glory–“absent from the body present with the Lord. II Corinthians 5:8